Kosmos Journal – and My Conversation with James Quilligan
Kosmos Journal is on the move. It has recently revamped its website, and it looks beautiful! Many new features and a great design. Kosmos has also initiated several new projects such as a “Global Ambassadors Program” to give the magazine greater global visibility; a study of the transformational “Shift” now underway; and a new bi-monthly newsletter.
James B. QuilliganA few weeks ago, Nancy Roof, Founding Editor of Kosmos invited me to sit down with James Quilligan, a friend, international development thinker and frequent contributor to Kosmos on commons-related themes. With video cameras rolling, we talked about some of the most urgent issues facing the commons today and promising new directions for the movement. A video of our 30-minute conversation can be seen here. We covered a wide number of topics, from the most recent round of enclosures to some of the strategic needs that the commons movement must address.
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